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You don't need to read long manual pages for a simple task. This manual page collects the most common pak use cases.

Package installation

Install a package from CRAN or Bioconductor


pak automatically sets a CRAN repository and the Bioconductor repositories that corresponds to the current R version.

Install a package from GitHub


#> → Will update 2 packages.
#> → All 2 packages (0 B) are cached.
#> + tibble 3.1.8 → 👷🏻🔧 (GitHub: 37ec86a)
#> + vctrs  0.5.1 → 👷🏾‍♀️🔧 (GitHub: 2d7de76)
#>  No downloads are needed, 2 pkgs are cached
#>  Packaging vctrs
#>  Packaged vctrs (1.4s)
#>  Building vctrs
#>  Built vctrs (11.2s)
#>  Installed vctrs (github::r-lib/vctrs@2d7de76) (34ms)
#>  Packaging tibble
#>  Packaged tibble (502ms)
#>  Building tibble
#>  Built tibble (2.7s)
#>  Installed tibble (github::tidyverse/tibble@37ec86a) (28ms)
#>  1 pkg + 10 deps: kept 9, upd 2 [17.5s]

Use the user/repo form. You can specify a branch or tag: user/repo@branch or user/repo@tag.

Install a package from a URL


#> → Will install 1 package.
#> → Will update 1 package.
#> → All 2 packages (38.65 kB) are cached.
#> + ellipsis              0.3.2
#> + tibble → 3.1.7 👷🏻‍♀️🔧
#>  No downloads are needed, 2 pkgs (38.65 kB) are cached
#>  Installed ellipsis 0.3.2  (18ms)
#>  Building tibble 3.1.7
#>  Built tibble 3.1.7 (2.5s)
#>  Installed tibble 3.1.7  (31ms)
#>  1 pkg + 11 deps: kept 10, upd 1, added 1 [3.3s]

The URL may point to an R package file, made with R CMD build, or a .tar.gz or .zip archive of a package tree.

Package updates

Update a package


#> → Will update 1 package.
#> → The package (724.32 kB) is cached.
#> + tibble 3.1.7 → 3.1.8
#>  No downloads are needed, 1 pkg (724.32 kB) is cached
#>  Installed tibble 3.1.8  (36ms)
#>  1 pkg + 10 deps: kept 10, upd 1 [368ms]

pak::pkg_install() automatically updates the package.

Update all dependencies of a package

pak::pkg_install("tibble", upgrade = TRUE)

#>  No downloads are needed
#>  1 pkg + 10 deps: kept 11 [278ms]

upgrade = TRUE updates the package itself and all of its dependencies, if necessary.

Reinstall a package

Add ?reinstall to the package name or package reference in general:


#> → Will install 1 package.
#> → The package (724.32 kB) is cached.
#> + tibble   3.1.8
#>  No downloads are needed, 1 pkg (724.32 kB) is cached
#>  Installed tibble 3.1.8  (60ms)
#>  1 pkg + 10 deps: kept 10, added 1 [340ms]

Dependency lookup

Dependencies of a CRAN or Bioconductor package


#> # A data frame: 11 × 32
#>    ref       type  direct direc…¹ status package version license needs…²
#>    <chr>     <chr> <lgl>  <lgl>   <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <lgl>
#>  1 cli       stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     cli     3.4.1   MIT + … FALSE
#>  2 fansi     stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     fansi   1.0.3   GPL-2 … FALSE
#>  3 glue      stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     glue    1.6.2   MIT + … FALSE
#>  4 lifecycle stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     lifecy… 1.0.3   MIT + … FALSE
#>  5 magrittr  stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     magrit… 2.0.3   MIT + … FALSE
#>  6 pillar    stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     pillar  1.8.1   MIT + … FALSE
#>  7 pkgconfig stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     pkgcon… 2.0.3   MIT + … FALSE
#>  8 rlang     stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     rlang   1.0.6   MIT + … FALSE
#>  9 tibble    stan… TRUE   TRUE    OK     tibble  3.1.8   MIT + … FALSE
#> 10 utf8      stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     utf8    1.2.2   Apache… FALSE
#> 11 vctrs     stan… FALSE  FALSE   OK     vctrs   0.5.1   MIT + … FALSE
#> # … with 23 more variables: priority <chr>, md5sum <chr>, sha256 <chr>,
#> #   filesize <int>, built <chr>, platform <chr>, rversion <chr>,
#> #   repotype <chr>, repodir <chr>, target <chr>, deps <list>,
#> #   mirror <chr>, sources <list>, remote <list>, error <list>,
#> #   metadata <list>, dep_types <list>, params <list>, sysreqs <chr>,
#> #   cache_status <chr>, lib_status <chr>, old_version <chr>,
#> #   new_version <chr>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​directpkg, …

The results are returned in a data frame.

Dependency tree of a CRAN / Bioconductor package


#> tibble 3.1.8 
#> ├─fansi 1.0.3 
#> ├─lifecycle 1.0.3 
#> │ ├─cli 3.4.1 
#> │ ├─glue 1.6.2 
#> │ └─rlang 1.0.6 
#> ├─magrittr 2.0.3 
#> ├─pillar 1.8.1 
#> │ ├─cli
#> │ ├─fansi
#> │ ├─glue
#> │ ├─lifecycle
#> │ ├─rlang
#> │ ├─utf8 1.2.2 
#> │ └─vctrs 0.5.1 
#> │   ├─cli
#> │   ├─glue
#> │   ├─lifecycle
#> │   └─rlang
#> ├─pkgconfig 2.0.3 
#> ├─rlang
#> └─vctrs
#> Key:   new

The results are also silently returned in a data frame.

Dependency tree of a package on GitHub


#> tidyverse/tibble ✨👷🏼🔧 
#> ├─fansi 1.0.3 
#> ├─lifecycle 1.0.3 
#> │ ├─cli 3.4.1 
#> │ ├─glue 1.6.2 
#> │ └─rlang 1.0.6 
#> ├─magrittr 2.0.3 
#> ├─pillar 1.8.1 
#> │ ├─cli
#> │ ├─fansi
#> │ ├─glue
#> │ ├─lifecycle
#> │ ├─rlang
#> │ ├─utf8 1.2.2 
#> │ └─r-lib/vctrs ✨👷🏼🔧 
#> │   ├─cli
#> │   ├─glue
#> │   ├─lifecycle
#> │   └─rlang
#> ├─pkgconfig 2.0.3 
#> ├─rlang
#> └─r-lib/vctrs
#> Key:   new | 👷🏼 build | 🔧 compile

Use the user/repo form. As usual, you can also select a branch, tag, or sha, with the user/repo@branch, user/repo@tag or user/repo@sha forms.

Dependency tree of the package in the current directory


#> local::tibble 3.1.8 ✨👷🏻‍♀️🔧    
#> ├─fansi 1.0.3 
#> ├─lifecycle 1.0.3 
#> │ ├─cli 3.4.1 
#> │ ├─glue 1.6.2 
#> │ └─rlang 1.0.6 
#> ├─magrittr 2.0.3 
#> ├─pillar 1.8.1 
#> │ ├─cli
#> │ ├─fansi
#> │ ├─glue
#> │ ├─lifecycle
#> │ ├─rlang
#> │ ├─utf8 1.2.2 
#> │ └─vctrs 0.5.1 
#> │   ├─cli
#> │   ├─glue
#> │   ├─lifecycle
#> │   └─rlang
#> ├─pkgconfig 2.0.3 
#> ├─rlang
#> └─vctrs
#> Key:   new | 👷🏻‍♀️ build | 🔧 compile

Assuming package is in directory tibble.

Explain a recursive dependency

How does tibble depend on rlang?

pak::pkg_deps_explain("tibble", "rlang")

#> tibble -> lifecycle -> rlang
#> tibble -> pillar -> lifecycle -> rlang
#> tibble -> pillar -> rlang
#> tibble -> pillar -> vctrs -> lifecycle -> rlang
#> tibble -> pillar -> vctrs -> rlang
#> tibble -> rlang
#> tibble -> vctrs -> lifecycle -> rlang
#> tibble -> vctrs -> rlang

Use can also use the user/repo form for packages from GitHub, url::... for packages at URLs, etc.

Package development

Install dependencies of local package

#>  Loading metadata database ... done
#> → The package (0 B) is cached.
#>  No downloads are needed
#>  10 deps: kept 10 [3.2s]

Install local package

#> → Will update 1 package.
#> → The package (0 B) is cached.
#> + tibble 3.1.8 → 3.1.8 👷🏻‍♂️🔧
#>  No downloads are needed, 1 pkg is cached
#>  Got tibble 3.1.8 (source) (96 B)
#>  Packaging tibble 3.1.8
#>  Packaged tibble 3.1.8 (864ms)
#>  Building tibble 3.1.8
#>  Built tibble 3.1.8 (2.4s)
#>  Installed tibble 3.1.8 (local) (38ms)
#>  1 pkg + 10 deps: kept 10, upd 1, dld 1 (NA B) [4.2s]

Install all dependencies of local package

#> → Will install 86 packages.
#> → Will update 2 packages.
#> → All 89 packages (100.53 MB) are cached.
#> + askpass                1.1
#> + base64enc              0.1-3
#> + bench                  1.1.2
#> + bit                    4.0.5
#> + bit64                  4.0.5
#> + blob                   1.2.3
#> + brio                   1.1.3
#> + bslib                  0.4.1
#> + cachem                 1.0.6
#> + callr                  3.7.3
#> + clipr                  0.8.0
#> + colorspace             2.0-3
#> + covr                   3.6.1
#> + crayon                 1.5.2
#> + curl                   4.3.3
#> + desc                   1.4.2
#> + DiagrammeR             1.0.9
#> + diffobj                0.3.5
#> + digest                 0.6.31
#> + downloader             0.4
#> + dplyr                  1.0.10
#> + evaluate               0.19    👷🏿‍♂️
#> + farver                 2.1.1
#> + fastmap                1.1.0
#> + formattable            0.2.1
#> + fs                     1.5.2
#> + generics               0.1.3
#> + ggplot2                3.4.0
#> + gridExtra              2.3
#> + gtable                 0.3.1
#> + highr                  0.9
#> + hms                    1.1.2
#> + htmltools              0.5.4
#> + htmlwidgets            1.6.0   👷🏾‍♂️
#> + httr                   1.4.4
#> + igraph                 1.3.5
#> + influenceR   
#> + isoband                0.2.6
#> + jquerylib              0.1.4
#> + jsonlite               1.8.4
#> + knitr                  1.41
#> + labeling               0.4.2
#> + lazyeval               0.2.2
#> + lubridate              1.9.0
#> + Matrix       1.5-1   → 1.5-3
#> + memoise                2.0.1
#> + mime                   0.12
#> + mockr                  0.2.0
#> + munsell                0.5.0
#> + nlme         3.1-160 → 3.1-161 👷‍♂️🔧
#> + nycflights13           1.0.2
#> + openssl                2.0.5
#> + pkgbuild               1.4.0
#> + pkgload                1.3.2
#> + praise                 1.0.0
#> + prettyunits            1.1.1
#> + processx               3.8.0
#> + profmem                0.6.0
#> + ps                     1.7.2
#> + purrr                  0.3.5
#> + R6                     2.5.1
#> + rappdirs               0.3.3
#> + RColorBrewer           1.1-3
#> + readr                  2.1.3
#> + rematch2               2.1.2
#> + rex                    1.2.1
#> + rmarkdown              2.19    👷‍♂️
#> + rprojroot              2.0.3
#> + rstudioapi             0.14
#> + sass                   0.4.4
#> + scales                 1.2.1
#> + stringi                1.7.8
#> + stringr                1.5.0
#> + sys                    3.4.1
#> + testthat               3.1.6
#> + tidyr                  1.2.1
#> + tidyselect             1.2.0
#> + timechange             0.1.1
#> + tinytex                0.43    👷🏻‍♂️
#> + tzdb                   0.3.0
#> + viridis                0.6.2
#> + viridisLite            0.4.1
#> + visNetwork             2.1.2
#> + vroom                  1.6.0
#> + waldo                  0.4.0
#> + withr                  2.5.0
#> + xfun                   0.35
#> + yaml                   2.3.6
#>  No downloads are needed, 88 pkgs (100.53 MB) are cached
#>  Packaging tibble 3.1.8
#>  Building evaluate 0.19
#>  Building nlme 3.1-161
#>  Installed R6 2.5.1  (31ms)
#>  Installed DiagrammeR 1.0.9  (76ms)
#>  Installed RColorBrewer 1.1-3  (72ms)
#>  Installed askpass 1.1  (79ms)
#>  Installed Matrix 1.5-3  (137ms)
#>  Installed base64enc 0.1-3  (125ms)
#>  Installed bench 1.1.2  (90ms)
#>  Installed bit64 4.0.5  (44ms)
#>  Installed bit 4.0.5  (43ms)
#>  Installed blob 1.2.3  (41ms)
#>  Installed brio 1.1.3  (40ms)
#>  Installed cachem 1.0.6  (31ms)
#>  Installed callr 3.7.3  (53ms)
#>  Installed clipr 0.8.0  (89ms)
#>  Installed colorspace 2.0-3  (99ms)
#>  Installed covr 3.6.1  (58ms)
#>  Installed crayon 1.5.2  (75ms)
#>  Installed curl 4.3.3  (83ms)
#>  Packaged tibble 3.1.8 (684ms)
#>  Installed bslib 0.4.1  (315ms)
#>  Installed desc 1.4.2  (77ms)
#>  Installed diffobj 0.3.5  (68ms)
#>  Installed digest 0.6.31  (60ms)
#>  Installed downloader 0.4  (39ms)
#>  Installed dplyr 1.0.10  (39ms)
#>  Installed farver 2.1.1  (41ms)
#>  Installed fastmap 1.1.0  (38ms)
#>  Installed formattable 0.2.1  (43ms)
#>  Built evaluate 0.19 (903ms)
#>  Installed fs 1.5.2  (49ms)
#>  Installed generics 0.1.3  (46ms)
#>  Installed ggplot2 3.4.0  (65ms)
#>  Installed gridExtra 2.3  (43ms)
#>  Installed gtable 0.3.1  (38ms)
#>  Installed highr 0.9  (37ms)
#>  Installed hms 1.1.2  (39ms)
#>  Installed htmltools 0.5.4  (40ms)
#>  Installed httr 1.4.4  (40ms)
#>  Installed influenceR  (17ms)
#>  Installed igraph 1.3.5  (96ms)
#>  Installed isoband 0.2.6  (68ms)
#>  Installed jquerylib 0.1.4  (38ms)
#>  Installed jsonlite 1.8.4  (37ms)
#>  Installed labeling 0.4.2  (14ms)
#>  Installed knitr 1.41  (73ms)
#>  Installed lazyeval 0.2.2  (43ms)
#>  Installed lubridate 1.9.0  (38ms)
#>  Installed memoise 2.0.1  (39ms)
#>  Installed mime 0.12  (58ms)
#>  Installed mockr 0.2.0  (38ms)
#>  Installed munsell 0.5.0  (36ms)
#>  Installed nycflights13 1.0.2  (37ms)
#>  Installed openssl 2.0.5  (41ms)
#>  Installed pkgbuild 1.4.0  (39ms)
#>  Installed pkgload 1.3.2  (37ms)
#>  Installed praise 1.0.0  (35ms)
#>  Installed prettyunits 1.1.1  (56ms)
#>  Installed processx 3.8.0  (37ms)
#>  Installed profmem 0.6.0  (37ms)
#>  Installed ps 1.7.2  (37ms)
#>  Installed purrr 0.3.5  (38ms)
#>  Installed rappdirs 0.3.3  (37ms)
#>  Installed readr 2.1.3  (42ms)
#>  Installed rematch2 2.1.2  (41ms)
#>  Installed rex 1.2.1  (58ms)
#>  Installed rprojroot 2.0.3  (58ms)
#>  Installed rstudioapi 0.14  (40ms)
#>  Installed sass 0.4.4  (42ms)
#>  Installed scales 1.2.1  (39ms)
#>  Installed stringr 1.5.0  (33ms)
#>  Installed sys 3.4.1  (49ms)
#>  Installed testthat 3.1.6  (88ms)
#>  Installed tidyr 1.2.1  (77ms)
#>  Installed stringi 1.7.8  (195ms)
#>  Installed tidyselect 1.2.0  (113ms)
#>  Installed timechange 0.1.1  (55ms)
#>  Installed tzdb 0.3.0  (40ms)
#>  Installed viridisLite 0.4.1  (39ms)
#>  Installed viridis 0.6.2  (39ms)
#>  Installed visNetwork 2.1.2  (77ms)
#>  Installed vroom 1.6.0  (77ms)
#>  Installed waldo 0.4.0  (62ms)
#>  Installed withr 2.5.0  (40ms)
#>  Installed xfun 0.35  (39ms)
#>  Building tinytex 0.43
#>  Installed yaml 2.3.6  (43ms)
#>  Installed evaluate 0.19  (15ms)
#>  Built tinytex 0.43 (1.1s)
#>  Installed tinytex 0.43  (15ms)
#>  Building rmarkdown 2.19
#>  Built rmarkdown 2.19 (3.9s)
#>  Installed rmarkdown 2.19  (85ms)
#>  Building htmlwidgets 1.6.0
#>  Built nlme 3.1-161 (8s)
#>  Installed nlme 3.1-161  (33ms)
#>  Built htmlwidgets 1.6.0 (1.1s)
#>  Installed htmlwidgets 1.6.0  (22ms)
#>  103 deps: kept 15, upd 2, added 86 [10.2s]

Installs development and optional dependencies as well.


List current repositories


#> # A data frame: 5 × 5
#>   name          url                                type  r_ver…¹ bioc_…²
#> * <chr>         <chr>                              <chr> <chr>   <chr>
#> 1 CRAN        cran  *       NA
#> 2 BioCsoft… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 3 BioCann… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 4 BioCexp… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 5 BioCworkflows… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​r_version, ²​bioc_version

If you haven't set a CRAN or Bioconductor repository, pak does that automatically.

Add custom repository

pak::repo_add(rhub = '')

#> # A data frame: 6 × 5
#>   name          url                                type  r_ver…¹ bioc_…²
#> * <chr>         <chr>                              <chr> <chr>   <chr>
#> 1 CRAN        cran  *       NA
#> 2 rhub       cran… *       NA
#> 3 BioCsoft… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 4 BioCann… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 5 BioCexp… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 6 BioCworkflows… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​r_version, ²​bioc_version

Remove custom repositories

options(repos = getOption("repos")["CRAN"])

#> # A data frame: 5 × 5
#>   name          url                                type  r_ver…¹ bioc_…²
#> * <chr>         <chr>                              <chr> <chr>   <chr>
#> 1 CRAN        cran  *       NA
#> 2 BioCsoft… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 3 BioCann… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 4 BioCexp… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 5 BioCworkflows… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​r_version, ²​bioc_version

If you set the repos option to a CRAN repo only, or unset it completely, then pak keeps only CRAN and (by default) Bioconductor.

Time travel using RSPM

pak::repo_add(CRAN = "RSPM@2022-06-30")

#> # A data frame: 5 × 5
#>   name          url                                type  r_ver…¹ bioc_…²
#> * <chr>         <chr>                              <chr> <chr>   <chr>
#> 1 CRAN… cran  *       NA
#> 2 BioCsoft… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 3 BioCann… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 4 BioCexp… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 5 BioCworkflows… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​r_version, ²​bioc_version

Sets a repository that is equivalent to CRAN's state closest to the specified date. Name this repository CRAN, otherwise pak will also add a default CRAN repository.

Time travel using MRAN

pak::repo_add(CRAN = "MRAN@2022-06-30")

#> # A data frame: 5 × 5
#>   name          url                                type  r_ver…¹ bioc_…²
#> * <chr>         <chr>                              <chr> <chr>   <chr>
#> 1 CRAN… cran  *       NA
#> 2 BioCsoft… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 3 BioCann… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 4 BioCexp… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> 5 BioCworkflows… bioc  4.2.2   3.16
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​r_version, ²​bioc_version

Sets a repository that is equivalent to CRAN's state at the specified date. Name this repository CRAN, otherwise pak will also add a default CRAN repository.


By default pak caches both metadata and downloaded packages.

Inspect metadata cache


#>  Updated metadata database: 4.55 MB in 4 files.
#>  Updating metadata database ... done
#> # A data frame: 43,718 × 32
#>    package version depends sugge…¹ license imports linki…² archs enhan…³
#>    <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr>
#>  1 A3      1.0.0   R (>= … random… GPL (>… NA      NA      NA    NA
#>  2 AATtoo… 0.0.1   R (>= … NA      GPL-3   magrit… NA      NA    NA
#>  3 ABACUS  1.0.0   R (>= … rmarkd… GPL-3   ggplot… NA      NA    NA
#>  4 ABC.RAP 0.9.0   R (>= … knitr,… GPL-3   graphi… NA      NA    NA
#>  5 ABCana… 1.2.1   R (>= … NA      GPL-3   plotrix NA      NA    NA
#>  6 ABCopt… 0.15.0  NA      testth… MIT + … Rcpp, … Rcpp    ABCo… NA
#>  7 ABCp2   1.2     MASS    NA      GPL-2   NA      NA      NA    NA
#>  8 ABHgen… 1.0.1   NA      knitr,… GPL-3   ggplot… NA      NA    NA
#>  9 ABPS    0.3     NA      testth… GPL (>… kernlab NA      NA    NA
#> 10 ACA     1.1     R (>= … NA      GPL     graphi… NA      NA    NA
#> # … with 43,708 more rows, 23 more variables: os_type <chr>,
#> #   priority <chr>, license_is_foss <chr>, license_restricts_use <chr>,
#> #   repodir <chr>, rversion <chr>, platform <chr>,
#> #   needscompilation <chr>, ref <chr>, type <chr>, direct <lgl>,
#> #   status <chr>, target <chr>, mirror <chr>, sources <list>,
#> #   filesize <int>, sha256 <chr>, sysreqs <chr>, built <chr>,
#> #   published <dttm>, deps <list>, md5sum <chr>, path <chr>, and …

Update metadata cache

By default pkg_install() and similar functions automatically update the metadata for the currently set repositories if it is older than 24 hours. You can also force an update manually:

#>  Updating metadata database ... done

Clean metadata cache

pak::meta_clean(force = TRUE)

#> [1] "/Users/gaborcsardi/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/pkgcache/_metad
#> ata"
#> $current_db
#> [1] "/Users/gaborcsardi/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/pkgcache/_metad
#> ata/pkgs-d1c324e625.rds"
#> $raw_files
#> character(0)
#> $db_files
#> character(0)
#> $size
#> [1] 0

Inspect package cache

Downloaded packages are also cached.


#> # A data frame: 480 × 11
#>    fullpath       path  package url   etag  sha256 version platf…¹ built
#>    <chr>          <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   <int>
#>  1 /Users/gaborc… arch… NA      http… "\"1… 0c8f0… NA      NA         NA
#>  2 /Users/gaborc… bin/… evalua… http… "\"1… 08a39… 0.17    aarch6…    NA
#>  3 /Users/gaborc… bin/… crayon  http… "\"2… 1e6d5… 1.5.2   aarch6…    NA
#>  4 /Users/gaborc… bin/… common… http… "\"4… 47b4a… 1.8.1   aarch6…    NA
#>  5 /Users/gaborc… bin/… curl    http… "\"b… 7b8ba… 4.3.3   aarch6…    NA
#>  6 /Users/gaborc… bin/… tinytex http… "\"2… 7e9ba… 0.42    aarch6…    NA
#>  7 /Users/gaborc… bin/… jsonli… http… "\"1… 68e59… 1.8.2   aarch6…    NA
#>  8 /Users/gaborc… bin/… lifecy… http… "\"1… 7ce27… 1.0.3   aarch6…    NA
#>  9 /Users/gaborc… bin/… vctrs   http… "\"1… c3a69… 0.4.2   aarch6…    NA
#> 10 /Users/gaborc… src/… pkgcac… NA     NA   9b70a… NA      NA          0
#> # … with 470 more rows, 2 more variables: vignettes <int>,
#> #   rversion <chr>, and abbreviated variable name ¹​platform

View a package cache summary

#> $cachepath
#> [1] "/Users/gaborcsardi/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/pkgcache/pkg"
#> $files
#> [1] 480
#> $size
#> [1] 653325143

Clean package cache


List packages in a library


#> # A data frame: 701 × 39
#>    library   package title version depends repos…¹ license needs…² built
#>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <lgl>   <chr>
#>  1 /Users/g… abc     "Too… 2.2.1   R (>= … CRAN    GPL (>… FALSE   R 4.…
#>  2 /Users/g… abc.da… "Dat… 1.0     R (>= … CRAN    GPL (>… FALSE   R 4.…
#>  3 /Users/g… abind   "Com… 1.4-5   R (>= … CRAN    LGPL (… FALSE   R 4.…
#>  4 /Users/g… ade4    "Ana… 1.7-19  R (>= … CRAN    GPL (>… TRUE    R 4.…
#>  5 /Users/g… ape     "Ana… 5.6-2   R (>= … CRAN    GPL-2 … TRUE    R 4.…
#>  6 /Users/g… aplot   "Dec… 0.1.7   NA      CRAN    Artist… FALSE   R 4.…
#>  7 /Users/g… archive "Mul… 1.1.5   R (>= … CRAN    MIT + … TRUE    R 4.…
#>  8 /Users/g… arrayh… "Con… 1.1-0   NA      CRAN    GPL     FALSE   R 4.…
#>  9 /Users/g… arrow   "Int… 9.0.0   R (>= … CRAN    Apache… TRUE    R 4.…
#> 10 /Users/g… arules  "Min… 1.7-5   R (>= … CRAN    GPL-3   TRUE    R 4.…
#> # … with 691 more rows, 30 more variables: remotetype <chr>,
#> #   remotepkgref <chr>, remoteref <chr>, remoterepos <chr>,
#> #   remotepkgplatform <chr>, remotesha <chr>, imports <chr>,
#> #   suggests <chr>, linkingto <chr>, remotes <chr>, remotehost <chr>,
#> #   remoterepo <chr>, remoteusername <chr>, enhances <chr>,
#> #   biocviews <chr>, remoteurl <chr>, remotesubdir <chr>,
#> #   priority <chr>, remoteetag <chr>, remotepackaged <chr>, …

Pass the directory of the library as the argument.