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pak supports HTTP basic authentication when interacting with CRAN-like repositories.

Configuring authenticated repositories

To use authentication you need to include a user name in the repository URL. You can set the repository URL in the repos option with base::options() as usual, or you can use repo_add().

For testing purposes pak includes a web app that creates an authenticated proxy to CRAN. This is how to run the proxy in a subprocess:

repo <- webfakes::new_app_process(pak:::auth_proxy_app())
#> [1] ""

(This needs the webfakes and callr packages.)

Next, we configure the proxy as the main CRAN repository. The default username of the proxy is "username" and the default password is "token". We want to replace the default CRAN repository with the proxy, so we name it CRAN:

repo_add(CRAN = repo$url(), username = "username")
#> ✖ Did not find credentials for repo <http://username@>, keyring
#> lookup failed (macos backend).
#> # A data frame: 6 x 7
#>   name          url           type  r_version bioc_version username has_password
#> * <chr>         <chr>         <chr> <chr>     <chr>        <chr>    <lgl>
#> 1 CRAN          http://usern~ cran  *         <NA>         username FALSE
#> 2 BioCsoft      https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA
#> 3 BioCann       https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA
#> 4 BioCexp       https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA
#> 5 BioCworkflows https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA
#> 6 BioCbooks     https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA

Note that the output includes a username and a has_password column. These are only present if at least one configured repository needs authentication. has_password is FALSE here, because pak did not find the credentials for this repository.

repo_get() also displays a message if it cannot find the credentials for an authenticated repository.

Next we are going to store the credentials in a place where pak can find them.

Credential lookup

pak can look up credentials from two sources:

  1. The current user's netrc file.

  2. The system credential store via the keyring package. pak comes with its own copy of the keyring package, you don't need to install it separately.

We suggest that you use the system credential store whenever you can.

netrc files

pak looks for the netrc file at ~/.netrc. On Windows it also looks for ~/_netrc if the file starting with a dot does not exist.

If you create a netrc file, make sure that is only readable by you. E.g. on Unix run

chmod 600 ~/.netrc

netrc files are simple text files that can store passwords for multiple hosts. They may contain three types of tokens:

machine <hostname>

A host name, without the protocol. Subsequent login and password tokens belong to this host, until another machine token is found, or the end of file.

login <username>

User name. It must be preceded by a machine token.

password <password>

Password. It must be preceded by a machine and a login token.

Whitespace is ignored in netrc files. You may include multiple tokens on the same line, or have one token per line. Here is an example:

machine login myuser password secret
login myuser
password secret
login anotheruser
password stillsecret

If you need to include whitespace in a password, put the password in double quotes.

The credential store

pak uses the keyring package to query the system credential store (or an alternative keyring credential store) to find credentials for authenticated repositories. pak comes with a copy of the keyring package, so you don't need to install it separately.

To store a repository password in the system credential store use the repo_auth_key_set() function. If you want to use a non-default keyring backend, set the keyring_backend option. In this manual we will use the backend that stores secrets in environment variables. This is an ephemeral store that is destroyed when the R process terminates.

To continue our example from above:

options(keyring_backend = "env")
repo_auth_key_set(repo$url(), username = "username", password = "token")

Use repo_auth_key_get() to check that the key is properly set:

repo_auth_key_get(repo$url(), username = "username")
#> [1] "token"

repo_get() now does not show a warning message, and also sets the has_password column to TRUE, because pak could find the credentials for our CRAN proxy:

#> ✖ Did not find credentials for repo <http://username@>, keyring
#> lookup failed (macos backend).
#> # A data frame: 6 x 7
#>   name          url           type  r_version bioc_version username has_password
#> * <chr>         <chr>         <chr> <chr>     <chr>        <chr>    <lgl>
#> 1 CRAN          http://usern~ cran  *         <NA>         username FALSE
#> 2 BioCsoft      https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA
#> 3 BioCann       https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA
#> 4 BioCexp       https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA
#> 5 BioCworkflows https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA
#> 6 BioCbooks     https://bioc~ bioc  4.4.2     3.20         <NA>     NA

Repo vs. host credentials

pak handles credentials for repositories and hosts. A repository credential's key is a URL with a non-empty path:

A host credential's is an URL with an empty path:

pak always looks for repository credentials first. If it does not find any credentials for a repository then it drops the path and looks for host credentials.

Because netrc files only store domain names and not URLs, they can only contain host credentials.


To test that authentication works, use the repo_status() function:

#> ✖ Did not find credentials for repo <http://username@>, keyring
#> lookup failed (macos backend).
#> # A data frame: 12 x 12
#>    name  url   type  bioc_version username has_password platform path  r_version
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>        <chr>    <lgl>        <chr>    <chr> <chr>
#>  1 CRAN  http~ cran  <NA>         username FALSE        source   src/~ 4.4
#>  2 CRAN  http~ cran  <NA>         username FALSE        aarch64~ bin/~ 4.4
#>  3 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           source   src/~ 4.4
#>  4 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           aarch64~ bin/~ 4.4
#>  5 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           source   src/~ 4.4
#>  6 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           aarch64~ bin/~ 4.4
#>  7 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           source   src/~ 4.4
#>  8 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           aarch64~ bin/~ 4.4
#>  9 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           source   src/~ 4.4
#> 10 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           aarch64~ bin/~ 4.4
#> 11 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           source   src/~ 4.4
#> 12 BioC~ http~ bioc  3.20         <NA>     NA           aarch64~ bin/~ 4.4
#> # i 3 more variables: ok <lgl>, ping <dbl>, error <list>

The output of repo_status() has extra columns, compared to repo_get(), and it also has a separate row for each platform. If everything works, then the has_password column is TRUE for authenticated repositories, and the ok column is TRUE if repo_status() was able to perform an (authenticated) HTTP HEAD request to the metadata file of a platform in a repository.

If you need even more information about repo authentication, e.g. because repo_status() shows some failures, then use the repo_auth() function:

#> ✔ Found credentials for repo <http://username@> (keyring:env).
#> # A data frame: 1 x 11
#>   name  url              type  r_version bioc_version username has_password auth_domains auth_domain
#> * <chr> <chr>            <chr> <chr>     <chr>        <chr>    <lgl>        <I<list>>    <chr>
#> 1 CRAN  http://username~ cran  *         <NA>         username TRUE         <chr [4]>    http://127~
#> # i 2 more variables: auth_source <chr>, auth_error <chr>

The output of repo_auth() has the following extra columns:

  • auth_domains: these are the URLs that pak tries to use as the service when looking for credentials in the keyring. For our proxy, it tries these URLs:

    #> ✔ Found credentials for repo <http://username@> (keyring:env).
    #> [[1]]
    #> [1] "http://username@" ""
    #> [3] "http://username@"  ""

  • auth_domain: one of auth_domains, the URL for which pak found credentials in the keyring. If no credentials were found, then this is NA.

  • auth_source: a short string that explains where pak found the credentials (or NA if not credentials were found). For examples netrc means the user's netrc file, and keyring:macos means the macOS system credential store.

  • auth_error: NA for successful credential search, otherwise a short error message on why the search failed. Typically it would fail is the credentials are not in the credential store.


Once you set up your authenticated repositories, and stored the required passwords in the system credential store, you can use them like any other repository. Operations that need authentication will always include reassuring messages for successful authentications, and warning messages for failed ones. Function calls that do not perform any HTTP requests, e.g. because they list cached data, do not display such messages.

#> Checking for 15 new metadata files
#> ! Cannot find credentials for URL <http://username@>, credential lookup
#> failed. Keyring backend: "macos".
#> Checking for 15 new metadata files
✖ Did not find credentials for repo <http://username@>, keyring
#> lookup failed (macos backend).
#> Checking for 15 new metadata files
⠋ Updating metadata database [0/15] | Downloading [0 B / 0 B]
#> ⠙ Updating metadata database [5/15] | Downloading [23.98 kB / 23.98 kB]
#> ⠹ Updating metadata database [7/15] | Downloading [23.98 kB / 23.98 kB]
#> ⠸ Updating metadata database [9/15] | Downloading [23.98 kB / 23.98 kB]
#> ⠼ Updating metadata database [9/15] | Downloading [273.51 kB / 2.92 MB]
#> ⠴ Updating metadata database [10/15] | Downloading [900.76 kB / 2.92 MB]
#> ⠦ Updating metadata database [10/15] | Downloading [1.43 MB / 2.92 MB]
#> ⠧ Updating metadata database [10/15] | Downloading [1.75 MB / 2.92 MB]
#> ⠇ Updating metadata database [10/15] | Downloading [2.20 MB / 2.92 MB]
#> ⠏ Updating metadata database [10/15] | Downloading [2.65 MB / 2.92 MB]
#> ⠋ Updating metadata database [10/15] | Downloading [2.86 MB / 2.92 MB]
#> ✔ Updated metadata database: 2.92 MB in 5 files.
#> ℹ R 4.4 aarch64-apple-darwin20 packages are missing from CRAN: Failed to connect to port 59571 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server and Failed to connect to port 59571 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server
#> ℹ source packages are missing from CRAN: Failed to connect to port 59571 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server and Failed to connect to port 59571 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server
#> ℹ Updating metadata database
#> ✔ Updating metadata database ... done

#> # A data frame: 50,701 x 33
#>    package    version depends suggests license md5sum sha256sum needscompilation
#>    <chr>      <chr>   <chr>   <chr>    <chr>   <chr>  <chr>     <chr>
#>  1 A3         1.0.0   R (>= ~ randomF~ GPL (>~ 929a4~ "\n     ~ no
#>  2 AATtools   0.0.3   R (>= ~ <NA>     GPL-3   de2ec~ "\n     ~ no
#>  3 ABACUS     1.0.0   R (>= ~ rmarkdo~ GPL-3   28795~ "\n     ~ no
#>  4 ABC.RAP    0.9.0   R (>= ~ knitr, ~ GPL-3   0158e~ "\n     ~ no
#>  5 ABCanalys~ 1.2.1   R (>= ~ <NA>     GPL-3   4cbe1~ "\n     ~ no
#>  6 ABCoptim   0.15.0  <NA>    testtha~ MIT + ~ a294d~ "\n     ~ yes
#>  7 ABCp2      1.2     MASS    <NA>     GPL-2   d049b~  <NA>     no
#>  8 ABHgenoty~ 1.0.1   <NA>    knitr, ~ GPL-3   fce25~ "\n     ~ no
#>  9 ABM        0.4.3   <NA>    <NA>     GPL (>~ 7aaae~ "\n     ~ yes
#> 10 ABPS       0.3     <NA>    testthat GPL (>~ d3f00~ "\n     ~ no
#> # i 50,691 more rows
#> # i 25 more variables: imports <chr>, linkingto <chr>, archs <chr>,
#> #   enhances <chr>, license_restricts_use <chr>, priority <chr>, os_type <chr>,
#> #   license_is_foss <chr>, repodir <chr>, rversion <chr>, platform <chr>,
#> #   ref <chr>, type <chr>, direct <lgl>, status <chr>, target <chr>,
#> #   mirror <chr>, sources <list>, filesize <int>, sha256 <chr>, sysreqs <chr>,
#> #   built <chr>, published <dttm>, deps <list>, path <chr>

E.g. here meta_update() outputs an authentication message, but meta_list() does not.