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In the usual workflow pak matches the SystemRequirements fields of the DESCRIPTION files to the database.


sysreqs_db_match(specs, sysreqs_platform = NULL)



Character vector of system requirements descriptions.


System requirements platform. If NULL, then the sysreqs_platform man_config_link("configuration option") is used, which defaults to the current platform. Set this option if .packageName does not detect your platform correctly.


Data frame with columns:

  • spec: the input specs.

  • sysreq: name of the system library or tool.

  • packages: system packages, list column of character vectors. Rarely it can be an empty string, e.g. if a pre_install script performs the installation.

  • pre_install: list column of character vectors. Shell script(s) to run before the installation.

  • post_install: list column of character vectors. Shell script(s) to run after the installation.


The sysreqs_db_match() function lets you match any string, and it is mainly useful for debugging.


  c("Needs libcurl", "Java, libssl"),
  sysreqs_platform = "ubuntu-22.04"
#> [[1]]
#> # A data frame: 1 × 5
#>   spec          sysreq  packages  pre_install post_install
#>   <chr>         <chr>   <list>    <list>      <list>      
#> 1 Needs libcurl libcurl <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#> [[2]]
#> # A data frame: 1 × 5
#>   spec         sysreq packages  pre_install post_install
#>   <chr>        <chr>  <list>    <list>      <list>      
#> 1 Java, libssl java   <chr [1]> <NULL>      <chr [1]>   